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Nächstes Treffen am 1. Juli 2022 / Next meeting on 1 July, 2022

Allgemein Gedanken –Experimente – Fragmente

New Materialism und Geschichte – ein Schreibgespräch


Lieber Markus, in der vorletzten Sitzung der AG Geschichtstheorie, die von Justyna A. Turkowska (University of Edinburgh) geleitet wurde, haben wir einen Text von Karen Barad besprochen: “Posthumanist Performativity: Toward an Understanding of How Matter Comes to Matter”.1 Die darauf in der AG-Sitzung aufbauende Diskussion war spannend kontrovers und ich freue mich, dass wir das Gespräch an dieser Stelle und in Form eines schriftlichen Austauschs ein wenig weiterführen. Ich bin gespannt, wohin uns das kleine Experiment führt und schlage vor, dass wir zunächst den Text und seine Autorin ein wenig einordnen.

  1. Karen Barad: Posthumanist Performativity: Toward an Understanding of How Matter Comes to Matter, in: Signs 28, H. 3 (2003), S. 801 – 831. []

Call for Papers

From Archival Pasts Towards Archival Futures: Epistemologies, Decolonization and (Dis-)Placement

Interdisciplinary Workshop, Institute of African Studies (IAS), University of Ghana, November 7–11, 2022

Felwine Sarr and Benedicte Savoy’s 2018 report on the restitution of African cultural heritage directed Europe’s political gaze toward a new relational ethics regarding the future of the colonial past. While momentum grows across Europe regarding the postcolonial afterlives of cultural objects, archives are largely missing from the discussion. This contrasts the situation in Africa, where the displacement of archival collections during the end of colonialism engendered claims for restitution almost immediately upon independence. In 2019, the Nairobi-based political cartoonist Patrick Gathara argued that “the path to colonial reckoning is through archives, not museums” (Gathara 2019). Suspicious that the return of objects such as the Benin Bronzes can be “spun as an act of benevolence” that maintains European paternalism, Gathara stated that only “returning colonial archives would make Africans the curators of their own history.” While Gathara’s argument points to the political dimension of archival restitution, it also raises the fundamental questions that this workshop seeks to address about the relationship between the understanding, ownership and location of colonial archives on the one hand and the making of history on the other.


Nächstes Treffen am 18. Juni 2021 | Next meeting on June 18, 2021

Ankündigungen Aus der Arbeit der AG

Nächstes Treffen am 16. April 2021 | Next meeting on April 16, 2021

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